Previously in my world:
Final review went well without any major freak-outs. Results were good and four days after I was on my way back to Norway for a month. Norway was... a little bit of everything. Creatively frustrating since I had access to some sweet equipment and it was too light out all night to do anything. Night-time is pretty much daytime in summer, and I had somehow 'conveniently' forgot all that. This and the fact that going back for such a short period, everything really becomes a marathon, a race against time or with time, whatever end you prefer to see it from. All the magnificent scenery and Norwegian magic had to go uncaptured in relation to this series of work. It was an unwanted break in regards to my work, but a very much needed one (despite the fact that a marathon rarely offers any breaks).
Second semester commenced this week and it is now a manner of waking up the old machinery and getting back on the horse. In my defence, I did attempt to do a shoot two days after returning, only to be completely wiped out by jetlag and bad, new torches. Aka nothing came of it. But in preparation for that shoot I did purchase a couple of new masks for some new characters. I guess all in all, I did realize a few important things along the way even if the results are not there yet. In regards to the torches, they have to have a warm toned light and not be too strong. If the light is too strong it makes detailed painting impossible without leaving light streaks, and if I move further away it spills light everywhere. So now it's back to my cheap and unreliable, but perfects for this, torches once I can buy a whole heap of them.
Another thing that will be of greater importance this semester are the dynamics of the composition in the images. I'm currently looking at Guy Bourdin's work again to find some inspiration. Shoots have to be more carefully planned this time around and also become a lot less expensive as the costs have gone far beyond affordability.
New shoot is being planned for next week. It will most likely not be the reshoot from last time yet (lack of manpower), but at this point the importance is on getting back into it and creating more new work. Next review is in two weeks time and as of now I have no new images, but plenty of ideas floating around...