Tuesday, October 27, 2009

And the Fat lady will sing

She will, but thankfully not for another couple of weeks. Which is very good news for me and the load of work I have left. Now that all my sculptures are done (minus hands, they're another story), I can start repairing them. Yep. They like breaking when I use them. I guess being dragged around just isn't their thing. Which is ok. Things break, people break, we mend, it's just how it goes. I think I actually like that they do. It somehow gives them more.. life, I guess.

So.. Final creature to this pack, The Bunny.

Painting fur... Easier said than done.

Working outside to enjoy some sunshine

Final touches, and tada... he's done. Meet Mr. Bunny. I like how his innocent appearance will contrast the images. And I'm crossing fingers that it will all work together to create something that is both humorous and horrid at the same time. A push and pull kind of effect.

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